Remote Control Hobbyist
The best buggy for bashing

The Best Buggy For Bashing

Do you ever feel like just racing without rule or regulations, just driving off track without caring much? Do you fancy making those high air jumps and rough landings that you always see other adventurous RC car racers engage in? Well, any RC car driver should experience the thrill of carefree driving, it is called bashing. Most racers do it and there are some who actually specialize in bashing races. A typical bashing race course includes jumping over sticks, rocks, and driving through muddy areas.

Sounds fun right? Well, it is, but as you may already know you can not just do it with any RC car, that would just cost you a lot in terms of replacing damaged parts. What you need is a buggy for bashing.

Why a buggy?

Buggies are RC cars designed for the rough terrains of off-road racing. This means they can handle most kinds of rough terrain without difficulty. As with all types of RC cars, there are quite a number of different buggies that you can choose from, the question that then arises is: which is the best buggy for bashing? Well, here are a couple of things that you should consider when purchasing a buggy for bashing:

2WD or 4WD

RC buggies come in either 2WD or 4WD. In 2WD, only two wheels are used to power the buggy while in 4WD, power is diverted from the transmission to the front and rear axles, therefore making sure each wheel spins at the same speed. In general, 2WD are cheaper but they are limitations as to the terrain that you can race the buggy on. 4WDs are fast and can handle any terrain but that also means they are costly to buy and to maintain. Depending on the area you will be bashing on, it is important to choose wisely between 2WD and 4WD.

Buggy scale

Buggies come in different sizes called scales. The larger the number of scales the smaller the buggy is. Before choosing the scale of your buggy, it’s important to have a look at the track you’ll be racing on. On professional racing tracks, there are specifications on the buggy scale. For personal use, you want to choose a buggy size that matches your track as you do not want the buggy to be tipping over when you jump.

Which Is The Best Buggy For Bashing?

To help you choose the best buggy for bashing, here are some of the leading models that you should take a look at:

Team Losi 8IGHT-E 4.0 4WD Electric Buggy Kit (1/8 Scale)

The best buggy for bashing

The Losi 8ight platform is one of the leading buggies when it comes to RC bashing. This Team Losi 8IGHT-E 4.0 4WD Electric Buggy Kit features the Active Vehicle Control, a technology that allows you to drive at very high speeds with excellent precision.

The motor on this buggy is the 1800 KV Dynamite brushless motor, it is supported by 16mm large-bore shocks that provide superior handling and absorb all the brutality of your buggy’s landing. This buggy can handle pretty much any kind of off-road track.

If you are looking for the optimal buggy that allows you to maneuver those tough terrains, then this might just be the best buggy for bashing!


  • Balanced power
  • Active Vehicle Control
  • Good shocks


  • Can be expensive
  • Needs assembly

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DHK Hobby 1/8 4WD Brushless Electric Buggy Optimus XL 8381 RC Car

The best buggy for bashing

The DHK Hobby 1/8 4WD Brushless Electric Buggy Optimus XL 8381 RC Car is a buggy that is designed with backyard bashers in mind, it is an ultra-fast beast that can go over 50m/hr on a rough and bumpy track. Because of the speed, it is best used in large open areas where you can fully unleash it without too much worry.

When it comes to specifications, it is a 4WD so it can climb and jump over any obstacle. It does have the oil feel metal shocks to absorb any harsh landings. It also features a 2.4GHZ transmitter that makes it possible to race without frequency interference.

All of these means that when it comes to bashing, it might rival most of the buggy that you see in the market. While it means that you might need to burst your budget, we still reckon that it is a good purchase for you.

Do note that if you ever choose this as the best buggy for bashing, you will not be disappointed at its sheer quality as well as its ability to explore places that other buggies can’t!


  • Good power
  • Brushless motor
  • Good speed


  • Can be expensive
  • Needs assembly

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Stech Werner

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