Remote Control Hobbyist

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RC Submarine in a pool

RC Submarine For Pool For Kids

When it comes to RC toys for kids, one of the best gifts that you can ever give to a child is actually an RC submarine for pool. These little toys can give you the same amount of fun as RC cars or even RC trucks, but...

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Which Type Of RC Car Climbs Best?

So you’ve seen those RC Car videos on Youtube, or maybe you saw your friend drifting with his RC car and you want one. In the world of RC Vehicles, you can find a variety of RC Cars built for various needs and terrains...

What Is A Deans Black Box?

Interestingly enough, as I was writing the previous article on LiPo Vs NiMH, I came across a very interesting product called the Deans Black Box. I have little inkling of what is a Dean Black Box, and hence my...

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